As we entered England’s third lockdown this month, we want to ensure continuous communication with our clients and supply chain. We want to reassure you that we have continued to improve our COVID-19 secure operations in line with government guidance, these improved practices help assure our ability to successfully execute new and existing projects during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are still fully operational, and we safeguard the safety of our team, clients, and suppliers in continuing to deliver client critical projects. To do this, we are complying with all current government guidelines for onsite working, whilst we are also fully set up and actively working remotely with a skeleton team of staff in the office to provide continuity of services as we have done throughout the previous lockdowns.
We implement strict hygienic practices with infection control plans, which we review frequently such that all employees and clients are continually safeguarded from the risk of transmission during each project. These practices help PSL to maintain continuity of services throughout the project lifecycle.
We have now developed competencies to work remotely using the vast array of tools; ranging from MS Teams, Cisco Webex, Zoom, Amazon Chime and Skype. If you use any of these platforms, we can set-up a video or voice call with you and your engineering team to support your project needs.
Let us know if we can be of any assistance to you and your team; Together we can make it work.